When we give, it acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have, reflects our trust that He will continue to provide for us, and allows us to be a part of His work here on earth. It’s something we do with joy.

With God's favor and faithful support, we have seen countless baptized, marriages healed, families restored, leaders equipped and the next generation rise up and take stand for their faith.

We choose to be generous here at Watermark Church. We strive to be leaders of generosity in our community, social justice initiatives, ministry projects and beyond. Whether it’s giving your time, talent, or treasure you can know that giving to God goes beyond this moment and leaves a lasting mark.

“I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.”

-Philemon 1:6

Make the choice to be generous

Start Giving: Begin giving any amount regularly (Weekly or Bi-Weekly).

Begin Tithing: A tithe is giving God 10% of your income first.

Regular Giving: Give a certain percentage of your income and set up recurring giving.

Giving Beyond: Pray about what God may ask you to give above 10% of your income.

Giving Stories

We’d love to hear about how God has impacted your life through giving!


  1. Why do we give?

    God is the ultimate giver who gave the most precious gift imaginable - His Son Jesus - to die on the cross for our sins. Our lives are transformed by the gospel of Christ. When we learn to give generously, it changes us, making us more like our generous Creator.

  2. What is a tithe? What is an offering?

    The word "tithe" literally means tenth or 10%. Tithing is giving the first ten percent of our income back to God. The Bible says that everything we have comes from Him, so tithing is actually returning to God what belongs to Him. When we tithe, we are putting God first in our lives and trusting Him to provide for all of our needs. An offering is anything we give beyond the 10%.

  3. What does our giving support?

    It takes financial resources to accomplish the work God has called us to do. Our obedient tithes and generous offerings enable Watermark Church to fulfill its mission to help people know God, grow in community, and make a difference. Our giving funds the daily operations of the church, fuels special projects, and supports the many core and outreach ministries.

  4. Can I give in other ways?

    Donating stock can be more beneficial than donating cash, due to the tax advantages often associated with transferring appreciated stocks to a charitable organization.  For more information on how to do this, contact

Contact Watermark Church for any giving-related questions: (586) 210-8331 or email.